
The Kentucky State University Directory includes information for administrators, faculty and staff. Information provided includes names, titles, departments, campus address, contact information, e-mail links, and in some instances, biographical, professional and academia information.

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A-Z List

Name Title Department Phone Email
Melvin NicholsonHousekeepingCapital Planning and Facilities Management(502) 597-6805melvin.nicholsonjr@kysu.edu
Theoneste NzaramyimanaAssistant Professor for Urban AgricultureSchool of Agriculture and Natural Resources(502) 597-6537theoneste.nzaramyima@kysu.edu
Patrese NesbittAssistant Professor, Health, Physical Education, and Exercise and Sports StudiesSchool of Education, Human Development and Consumer Sciences(502) 597-6133patrese.nesbitt@kysu.edu
Amrit NepalInstitutional Research Coordinator / Adjunct FacultyInstitutional Research(502) 597-6495Amrit.Nepal1@kysu.edu
Joni NelsonManager of the Center for Sustainability of Farms and Families/ Extension AssociateCollege of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources(502) 597-6831joni.nelson@kysu.edu
Charles NicholsVisiting Assistant Professor, School of BusinessSchool of Business(502) 597-6910charles.nichols@kysu.edu
Allison NoelAdministrative Assistant IIICooperative Extension(502) 597-5905allison.noel@kysu.edu
Noel NoveloResearch Associate AquacultureCollege of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources(502) 597-8108noel.novelo@kysu.edu