Board of Regents

The Kentucky State University Board of Regents is the governing body of Kentucky State University. The Board normally consists of 11 members. However, due to a temporary vacancy, the Board currently consists of 10 members, including a staff representative, student representative, faculty representative, and seven Governor-appointed members (see KRS 164.321 here).

The Student Government Association President serves as the Student Regent for a one-year term and is then re-elected or replaced by his/her successor.

The Staff and Faculty Regents serve three-year terms and until their successors are elected and qualified.

There are six standing Board committees: Executive Committee, Academic Affairs Committee, Finance & Audit Committee, Investment & Advancement Committee, Athletics and Student Engagement & Campus Life Committee. The current members of the Board of Regents are:

Dr. Ernie Fletcher was appointed by Governor Andy Beshear on March 31, 2022, and was confirmed by the Senate through unanimous vote on April 14, 2022. Dr. Fletcher’s term officially ended on June 30, 2023. However, in demonstrating his steadfast dedication to KSU, Dr. Fletcher graciously continued to serve as a regent until Gov. Beshear appointed his successor in November 2024.