KSU Accelerate Summer Program

The KSU Accelerate summer bridge program aims to serve as an accelerated supplemental instruction model designed to prepare participating students to enter credit-bearing coursework in the first semester of college; thus, improving the transition into gateway coursework impacting retention, progression, and minimizing time to degree.  This program is critical for incoming freshmen as these students spent a significant portion of their high school tenure learning remotely.  The residential bridge program is designed as a two-week pre-orientation and academic immersion experience targeted to academically underprepared students in English, math, and/or reading and first-year admits entering with less than a 2.5 cumulative HS GPA (i.e. students required to enter into a learning contract).

Program learning objectives allows participants:

  • To meet readiness benchmarks in English, math, and/or reading at the conclusion of the program via developmental coursework in a workshop setting.
  • Acclimate to the KSU campus and Frankfort community.
  • Engage with other first-year admits, upperclassmen, staff, faculty, and administrators to maximize connectedness and belonging.
  • Develop the necessary skills for college success via academic planning, study strategies, leadership/student involvement opportunities, and become familiar with other support resources.


2025 Program Dates:
June 16th - July 25th

Deadline to Apply: May 30, 2025

Program Courses:


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2025 Program Cost

The total cost of the program is $500. Money is due once selected for the Summer Program. All applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection no later than Monday, June 2, 2025.

The price includes:

  • 6 weeks of campus housing
  • Meal plans
  • Events/Activities
  • Tuition

Financial Aid

Students are encouraged to complete FAFSA for the 2025-2026 year. 2025-2026 FAFSA should be submitted as soon as possible to determine aid eligibility.  If you have additional financial aid questions or need assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid by phone (502) 597-5960 or email: finaidmail@kysu.edu 

Apply Now


Larmont Lawson
Coordinator for Academic Support & Transition
