Civil Rights Guidance and Resources
All college staff and volunteers are expected to understand and be in compliance with civil rights laws and regulations. As an institution administering USDA programs we must comply with the USDA Non-Discrimination Statement and applicable federal laws. For more information on USDA-NIFA civil rights and equal opportunity, please go to the NIFA's Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights. Kentucky State University employees also follow policies and regulations set forth in the University’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct and KSU’s Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy which can be found in the policy manual.
To assist us in meeting our civil rights obligations, Extension and Research faculty/staff can find guidance in resources below:
Laws, Authorities, and regulations
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights Laws and Authorities
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title I, II and V
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII
- Civil Rights Act of 1991
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972
- USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights - Departmental Directives and Regulations
- USDA DR 4330-002: Nondiscrimination in Programs and Activities Receiving Federal Financial
Assistance from USDA
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
- LEP Plan
- LEP Guidance – Civil Rights Compliance Laws and Regulations Video
- LEP Guidance – Guidance on Meaningful Language Access Video
- Bilingual Community Resources
USDA’s Equal Opportunity Public Notification Policy
Recipients of federal funds are prohibited to discriminate on the bases of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, reprisal, or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. It is the responsibility of the federal recipient to notify the public of this mandate thus non-discrimination statements should be posted in its entirety containing these protected bases mandated in applicable federal law.
- USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
The full Non-Discrimination Statement is required on print and non-print materials including but not limited to websites, audio, video, factsheets, newsletters, brochures, etc. Materials that are too small to include the full non-discrimination statement should include the following statement: “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
Filing Discrimination Complaints
- Procedures for Handling Complaints: Land Grant Employees (College of Ag)
- Filing a Program Discrimination Complaint as a USDA Customer
- Employee Grievance Form
No Fear Act Resources
- No Fear Act
- No Fear Act Notice
- No Fear Act Questions and Answers (EEOC)
- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR)
- OASCR Contact Us