Graphic Standards Manual
Overview: Internal and external entities of Kentucky State University may not create their own brand identity or logo. All entities must follow University branding standards to ensure that all communications representing the institution are of high quality and present Kentucky State University consistently and accurately.
Reason for Guideline: To protect the brand of Kentucky State University.
Guideline Profile:
Responsible University Officer: Interim Chief of Staff, Michael R. DeCourcy
Responsible Office: The Division of Institutional Advancement and External Relations
develops and maintains comprehensive standards, and reviews and approves materials
covered by this guideline.
Scope of Guideline: It is imperative that Kentucky State University always present a consistent and coordinated messages and images to better showcase our excellence, value and impact. Adherence to our standards reflect our credibility, strengthens our brand, and enhances our recognition. We will develop better connections with key audiences and convey our strengths in academics, research, and public engagement and outreach. This guideline applies to all Kentucky State University employees, students and any entity requesting use of Kentucky State's name, logos, slogans, colors, mascot name, trademarks, service marks, and other indicia related to the institution, its programs and services (collectively, the "marks") in any manner. Communications that utilize the marks, are paid for by University funds or funds administered through a University account and are intended for distribution are subject to this guideline.