Violations, Fines and Towing
The person who purchases a parking permit will be held responsible for all parking violations by any vehicles bearing the permit. One parking ticket on KSU property without a valid permit may be excused for new faculty, staff and students, if a permit is purchased within seven days from the time the parking ticket was issued. An individual who receives three or more parking tickets and have not registered their vehicle is subject to being towed. Fines are payable at the Bursar’s office in the Academic Service Building between the hours of 8am-4:30pm Monday through Friday.
- No Valid Parking permit displayed $35
- Parking outside permitted areas $25
- Parking in handicap spaces without proper permit $100
- Parking in reserved spaces
- First offense: Warning
- Second offense: $100 Fine
- Third offense: Vehicle towed
- Occupying more than one or not in a designated space $10
- Parking in restricted areas $45
- Parking in violation of safety regulations $25
- Exceeding limit on timed parking spaces $25
- Discarding pink or yellow copy of ticket $20
- Use of stolen or fraudulently obtained permit $100
- Failure to wear a seat-belt/careless driving $25
- Disregarding stop sign $25

Ticket Appeal Procedure
To dispute a parking ticket, a written appeal must be submitted to the Parking Office within 14 days of issuance of the ticket. You must bring a copy of the ticket and fill out the appeal form in its entirety. Any appeal that does not have all required information and documentation will not be considered. Only appeals made within the designated time will be considered. All appeal decisions are final and remaining fines must be paid at the Cashier’s Office.
Towing and Immobilization
The Kentucky State University Police Department has the authority to have a vehicle towed and or immobilized at the owner’s expense when:
- A vehicle has not been moved for an extended period of time and appears to be inoperable and/or the vehicle registration is expired;
- A vehicle is parked illegally in a handicap space;
- A vehicle is parked illegally in a reserved space;
- A vehicle displays a parking permit that has been reported lost, stolen, forged, or altered;
- A vehicle is parked in a fire lane, blocking a doorway, dumpster, fire hydrant or emergency exit; or tow away zone;
- Any unregistered vehicle that is determined to have three or more unpaid parking tickets;
- An individual continues to park illegally and amasses numerous parking tickets.
What To Do if Your Vehicle Has Been Towed
If your vehicle has been towed, come to the Campus Police & Security office to find out how much your fines are and retrieve your vehicle. Then, pay the fine at the Bursar’s office in the Academic Services Building. Bring your receipt back to the Campus Police & Security office and you’ll be given a release form for the towing company. You can call Carey’s Towing at(502) 839-8895 . Their address is:
Carey's Towing
320 Rouse Ave
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-839-8895
- If your vehicle is immobilized, the fee for removing the boot is $35 cash, to be paid to the Bursar’s Office before the boot can be removed.
- If a boot is in place over 24 hours–without payment–the vehicle will be towed.
- If a vehicle causes damage to a boot, the owner/operator is responsible for paying for the replacement cost of $650.