General Information
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011 with the goal of preventing food safety problems. The FSMA Produce Safety Rule (PSR) is the first mandatory federal standard for fruit and vegetable production in the United States.
FSMA PSR Water Quality states:
“All agricultural water must be safe and of adequate sanitary quality for its intended use.” (§ 112.41)
Agricultural water - “water that is intended to, or is likely to contact the harvestable portion of covered produce or food-contact surfaces.” (§ 112.3(c))
- Production Water - used to grow and care for plants
- Post-Harvest Water - used to wash the produce during harvest or after it is picked.
Who is covered and who is exempt from FSMA’s PSR?
Farms Covered:
Farms Exempt:
If not required, why test? Simply a good idea. Keeps all consumers safe.